Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Not sure whey Elder JT titled his letter with 'Transfers'.  His companion and the Zone Leaders all stayed- 

If you have a moment, send him a quick email to say hello- 

Also- he is using Facebook for proselyting.  He posts inspirational thoughts, videos etc...  make sure you send him a friend request.  He is able to teach a couple of people through email messages and it is going well.

So great to hear from him.  Enjoy!!

Yo yo yo homies!!! hahaha 

This week has been pretty great! On New years eve, the whole mission get the chance to do a temple trip! The DC temple is....... GORGEOUS! It has i think 7 floors? I think I am wrong though so don't take my word for it haha. But the temple session was really really really spiritual. Had some great answers to my prayers so that was my spiritual experience for the week! :)

New Years Day was great as well! One of the 1st ward's investigators invited Elder Gardner and I over (again) to have lunch and play football and hockey! We didn't get to play hockey though because we had a service appointment and then dinner after which the 1st ward was invited to that! Our service was to help Bro. Moyers put together a couple of these new Gladiator (brand) metal cabinets. We were also going to hang them but we ran out of time... For dinner we had deer chili and I have no idea what the other thing we had but it was like macaroni with deer meet chunks. SUPER GOOD!!

Thursday was the best day of the week!!! WE PICKED UP A NEW INVESTIGATOR!!! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo Happy!!! His name is Brian and his wife is a member. He is catholic. After our dinner with this family, his wife, just out of the blue, asks him: "Hey when are you going to take the missionary discussions?" He looks at us and asked us how long do they take. We said well the fastest time we could do it is in 5 days! But we go off of your time and he agreed to the next 5 Fridays! Brian had a question about why Catholics baptize babies when they are born and we read something in Moroni 8 and he is like: "I understand now!" Brian then asks Elder Gardner how many people he has baptized and he said 5. Brian looks at me, asks the same question and i respond: "Well i haven't yet but you might be my first! Wait, you WILL be my first!" He was like "I'm cool with that!" SUPER COOL! :D

Then today, we played basketball as a whole mission and we have some pretty good ballers out here! It felt super great to be able to dunk again! I am slowly gaining back my vertical power so i can throwdown with 2 hands again!! :):) 

Favorite scripture from your study this week
---Alma 48 because it is an awesome war chapter! :)
biggest challenge this week
---finding new people to teach. no one wants to hear the message no matter how hard we are trying. but we never give up!
Why you love your companion
---he is a great trainer and is good at ball too! he is very friendly too!

Hope you all had a fantastic New Years! 

Love you all!!

A picture of me and Elder Paul- he is one of my MTC missionaries- a great reunion at the Temple!!

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