Sunday, February 15, 2015

First P-Day Back!

January 26, 2015
hey guys! it is weird be back out let me tell you.... it is pretty much like learning how to ride a bike, but only a second time haha.

 So, i flew into DC on the 20th and chose to stay with the group that came in at the mission home for the night.. except that group was pretty much 10 sister missionaries and me and my MTC comp Elder Levi (leevee). Pres.Cooke had us elders stay at his bishops house for the night. (the bishop had some yummy chocolate chip cookies and milk too that he gave us right before we went to bed. In the morning, we went back to the mission home to have breakfast! that was and is always good!! ;) we had waffles, bacon,, muffins, yogurt, and a variety of drinks!! 

After that, we went up to the visitors center to the transfer meeting to get my comp. His name is Elder Jed Fisher and from Bountiful, UT! (all my comps have been from Utah..... besides Levi and Thornton from AZ) anyways! we are serving in Olney which is about 15-25 minutes NW of the temple. there are a few investigators that they have been working with, one is a Less active&part member in the home. They are less active and wants to come back to the church. her only concern or problem is that she wants to be re-baptized... O.o and her husband is the investigator. he is struggling with the word of wisdom, so if you could,keep them all in your thoughts and prayers. 

(i still can't believe how freaked out people get about 1/2 inch of snow here...)
anyways i hope to hear from you all soon whether letters or emails! 

Elder JT Ekberg
​11700 Falls Rd
Potomac, MD 20854​

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