Tuesday, December 17, 2013

1 Month!!

So on the 13th I hit my month mark! 23 more to go!! hahah 

this past week has been ok. our members here are awesome and LOVE feeding the missionaries! this week we tracted and hour each day. and our goals are to try and talk to 5 people (unless we use our time ). we had a total of 15 contacts which is really good in our area. I think tracting is cool but it's really weird.. im still not used to this yet! 

one of our investigators had a futsol game at our gym we go to each morning, so we went to that Saturday night and watched him play, and he has some fancy footwork i have to admit that! and he is pretty fast! 

I am TOTALLY EXCITED for Christmas this year! still working on the Christmas presents for the fam :) 

time is just flying by... yes it has only been a month, but it feels like i have been out longer than that! Crazy!! 

anyways, i love you all! 

Elder Ekberg

Psalms 27: 1 & 14

We received some additional emails from JT this week.  One set back- he is having some additional ankle troubles. Still painful, swelling and discomfort.  It isn't slowing him down any, that is for sure. He won't write publicly about it- however it is a weighing heavy on his mind and frustrating.  We have found a Dr. in his mission who will be working with him.  Please include him in your prayers that all will be well.  

We have some other fun things he wrote to us about that we would like to share:

1- When you go tracting- how many doors do you get in?
We get in 0 doors- sadly!!  We did give away cards that invite people to the festival of lights at the visitors center at the temple.  We get to go to the festival of lights if bring people we are teaching.  We are trying to get our futsol friend and his grandma to go- hopefully they will!

2-  What progress have you seen while proselyting on the internet?
It is slow honestly- it is awesome though and we get to share some great messages.

3- Are your investigators close to baptism?
We think so but they still need some work...we have two- the guy who plays futsol and his grandma.  They have concerns with the Family- A proclamation to the World.  It is very stressful but they will get through it- I know they will!!  

4- Do you work and visit with less active members?
We do work with them a lot.  They sign up for dinner which is AWESOME!!  This month our message has focused on Christmas and teaching them to follow Christ's example, love everyone and love to serve each 

5- How often do you visit members homes?
We do just normal visits, getting to know them better, spiritual thoughts, finding people to teach.  The members here are really cool!!  The members do great missionary work.  It is a little slow right now because of the holiday's I guess.  Everyone is very busy all the time.

6-  What was your favorite dinner this week?  
I can't remember my favorite- they were all good!!  It has been a fast week!  HAHAHA

7- What was Zone Conference like this week?
We did workshops on teaching, thoughts and lessons, it was a Zone Conference with all the Suiteland Stake.  President and Sister Cooke were there too.  Everyone gets interviewed which is cool.  They are really cool- I love them a lot!!

We love hearing from our missionary!!

1 comment:

  1. Our love and prayers are with you. I hope the ankle gets better soon! xxo
